Judaic Studies Institute Testimonial's

Looking for a Yeshua Based Jewish Education? Check out JSI today!
Rabbin/Dr. Deborah Brandt is the Director of JSI and Facilitator and Professor of Judaic Studies in the Tenach and New Testament.


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Judaic Studies Institute Testimonial's

The Messianic Judaic Studies class that I recently completed through JSI, has taken bible study for me and amplified my knowledge to a whole new level of understanding and worship.   Rabbin Deborah’s profound understanding of, the history, and context that is shared in these lessons, not to mention the bible study of scripture itself, make this one of the most deepest and profound learning experiences that I’ve received in my 30 year journey in studying the word.    I have taken college courses (while excellent in their own right) have not come remotely close to the depth of learning that I have gained through JSI. I praise the father in having had this blessed opportunity to learn it the right way finally, thank you so much for this wonderful learning experience!
Rich P. JSI Certificate Student - Illinois

I am grateful to the leadership and the school, which is doing an outstanding job. In just a few months, my spiritual level has increased. I have never come across such a healthy way of learning before. I feel blessed to be able to learn from Rabbis and Ruach-driven leadership. Now I can finally see everything from the Hebrew context. I am extremely happy and blessed to have met the Jewish Messiah!
Aki B.-JSI Degree Student- Iceland

Thank you is a lack of words for my joy of teachings and instructions via The Judaic Studies Institute. My connection to Yeshua has been a privilege and shalom that is sometimes unexplained. We are always learning and saying wow, wow, wow, I didn't see that before. Learning the scriptures from it's original Hebraic context via JSI has been a great blessing to my life.
Ken P. - JSI - Messianic Discipleship Student Illinois

The Didache Study class was an excellent class and I highly recommend it. I feel I gained more knowledge and understanding of the early Jewish believer-Gentile community and how Gentiles were taught "The Way of Life". Class notes that were provided for each session were an added bonus! The information provided in these notes offered a structural and organized review of each chapter which can be used as a reference to recall main points in the chapters. They also provided additional information not covered in the chapters which only enhanced my understanding. Dr. Deborah Brandt is an exceptional teacher who is always willing, and prepared, to answer all your questions. Her knowledge and years of experience and study is evident and her desire to ensure that all her students understand the materials is authentic.
Ruth C. - JSI Associates Degree Alumna Illinois

The Rabbi's at JSI have a wealth of knowledge that is ready to be consumed. They are truly anointed and led by the Holy Spirit. In my time at JSI, I was able to turn what I had been learning for fifteen years into a formal education. I enjoyed the information that I encountered at JSI because it was new, familiar, and spiritually refreshing.
Michelle J. - JSI Ph.D. Alumna Louisiana

I have been very blessed and thankful for the opportunity to be a student of JSI. I enjoy studying and expanding my understanding of the Word. The classes have been a very inspirational and educational experience for me. This experience has allowed me to view and grasp concepts and perspectives from the Hebrew background and history.
Bertha C. - Messianic Discipleship Student Illinois